Pellet Fryer Line
Bulk Bag Pellet Receiving System

Bulk Bag Pellet Supply System.- Robust mild steel support structure with 2000 pound capacity hoist and I beam trolley. Hoist will position 2000 pound super sacks over a pellet receiving hopper that will discharge into an elevator feeding a Pellet Feeder.
Pellet Metering Feeder/Conveyor

Pellet Metering Feeder – All stainless steel hopper with electromagnetic feeder pan mounted on a stainless steel frame. Product can be fed, manually or received from a bulk bag feed system into the main hopper and metered into a pellet warmer. A level sensor will signal when hopper requires loading.
Fryer Infeed Vibrating Conveyor

Vibrating Pellet Feed Conveyor – All stainless steel vibrating conveyor designed to evenly distribute product into the fryer. Vibrating pan is made of perforated metal to aid the removal of product fines.
In-Line Fryer

In-line Pellet Fryer – Evenly fry expanding and non-expanding pellet-based snacks and extruded collets. Fryer allows for consistent and exact controls of temperatures and product dwell times that are so critical with the quick-popping pellets of today. Fryer design operates with a low volume of oil, which greatly improves the oil turnover and reduces free fatty acid levels.
Oil Management Skid

Oil Management Skid for In-line Fryer
This system allows a quick oil transfer from the fryer to the holding tank. At the same time the oil is going through a series of filters that helps extend the life of the cooking oil. This skid comes with a stainless steel holding tank, oil cooler, filters, and pump. Complete module is mounted over a stainless steel catch pan frame, pre-piped, and pre-wired.
Product Cooling conveyor

Product Cooling Conveyor – All stainless steel constructed conveyor designed to cool the product. Product will be received from the fryer and carried on a high temperature plastic belt A collection plenum with an In-line axial fan is mounted on the main support frame of the conveyor. A manual stack damper will control airflow through the product. Stainless steel grease filters are installed in the plenum to trap oil particles before the exhaust fan. These filters are removable for cleaning.
Seasoning Distribution System

Seasoning Distribution System
Electro-magnetic vibrating conveyor with proportional gates will evenly feed the product to the seasoning equipment. Vibrating conveyors are mounted on a stainless steel access platform.
Volumetric Salt & Seasoning Application

Volumetric Salt and Seasoning Feed System Volumetric feeder can accommodate both a seasoning and/or a salt application. Feeder is mounted on a portable stainless steel frame. A low level sensor will signal when hopper needs to be filled.
Loss-in-Weight Salt & Seasoning Application

Loss-in-Weight Salt and Seasoning Feed System Controlled by load cells, this system will be programmed to operate by weight and signal the control of seasoning or salt flow through the system. Feeder can accommodate both a seasoning and/or a salt application. Feeder is mounted on a portable stainless steel frame. The weight will determined when hopper needs to be filled.
Continuous Oil Spray System

Continuous Oil Spray System
Accurately and evenly applies a surface coat of oil to the base pellet.
Incline Conveyors to Packaging

Incline Conveyors to Packaging – Plastic belt incline conveyor with straight or scooped flights will transfer the product from the processing to the packaging bag maker system.

Pellet Fryer Equipment
Quality Fabrication & Design, LP, has been manufacturing inline fryers since 1987. Our fryers have been designed and built to the same high “Quality” standards that have become synonymous with Quality Fabrication’s equipment.
These fryers are designed to cook/fry Extruded/Pellet Products with production capacities ranging from 600 lbs/hr up to 2000 lbs/hr. All fryers are supplied with a vertical heat exchangers, with a range of up to 2 million BTU’s.
The Control Systems and Instrumentation on these fryers have been designed to utilize the latest state of the art PLC Technology. These new fryers greatly enhance the line of Quality Fabrication supplied processing equipment. Quality Fabrication offers the complete processing line, to include all the packaging system. Our Technical Department and Design Group can support you with complete design/build capabilities to include installation supervision and Project Management.
Vertical Spiral Heat Exchanger
A spiral tube bundle in a vertical position is design for space savings. Cooking oil is evenly heated and tubes easily remain free of particle
build up. Faster oil turn reducing free fatty acid problems are possible
due to the low oil volume required.
Please give us the opportunity when the time comes to replace or add a fryer, or any other piece of processing equipment to your production line.

Quality Fabrication & Design is here to support your needs.
Pick up the phone and call Alex Pier at 972-304-3266, Ext. 402, or
e-mail me if you prefer at
.…and remember…”Quality, is just not our name, it’s the way we do things”
Pellet Fryer Line
Bulk Bag Pellet Receiving System

Bulk Bag Pellet Supply System.- Robust mild steel support structure with 2000 pound capacity hoist and I beam trolley. Hoist will position 2000 pound super sacks over a pellet receiving hopper that will discharge into an elevator feeding a Pellet Feeder.

Pellet Fryer Equipment
Quality Fabrication & Design, LP, has been manufacturing inline fryers since 1987. Our fryers have been designed and built to the same high “Quality” standards that have become synonymous with Quality Fabrication’s equipment.
These fryers are designed to cook/fry Extruded/Pellet Products with production capacities ranging from 600 lbs/hr up to 2000 lbs/hr. All fryers are supplied with a vertical heat exchangers, with a range of up to 2 million BTU’s.
The Control Systems and Instrumentation on these fryers have been designed to utilize the latest state of the art PLC Technology. These new fryers greatly enhance the line of Quality Fabrication supplied processing equipment. Quality Fabrication offers the complete processing line, to include all the packaging system. Our Technical Department and Design Group can support you with complete design/build capabilities to include installation supervision and Project Management.
Vertical Spiral Heat Exchanger
A spiral tube bundle in a vertical position is design for space savings. Cooking oil is evenly heated and tubes easily remain free of particle
build up. Faster oil turn reducing free fatty acid problems are possible
due to the low oil volume required.
Please give us the opportunity when the time comes to replace or add a fryer, or any other piece of processing equipment to your production line.

Quality Fabrication & Design is here to support your needs.
Pick up the phone and call Alex Pier at 972-304-3266, Ext. 402, or
e-mail me if you prefer at
.…and remember…”Quality, is just not our name, it’s the way we do things”